
Web Page West Virginia Higher Education Degree Inventory Dashboard


Dashboard Title: West Virginia Higher Education Degree Inventory
Subtitle: Organized by Level/Discipline

Overall Summary:
This dashboard provides an overview of the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education, organized by level and discipline. It is designed to provide users with an overview of the degree programs offered in the state, as well as the ability to drill down into specific details about the programs.

Dashboard Insights:
This dashboard provides insights into the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education, including:
The number of degree programs offered in each level/discipline
The number of active programs in each level/discipline
The number of STEM programs offered in each institution
The number of degree programs offered in each college sector

Who Can Benefit:
This dashboard is beneficial to anyone interested in learning about the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education, including students, parents, educators, and policy makers. It provides a comprehensive overview of the degree programs offered in the state, as well as the ability to drill down into specific details about the programs.

Benefits of Using the Dashboard:
Get an overview of the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education
Drill down into specific details about the programs
Gain insights into the number of degree programs offered in each level/discipline
Gain insights into the number of active programs in each level/discipline
Gain insights into the number of STEM programs offered in each institution
Gain insights into the number of degree programs offered in each college sector


Degree Invt by Degree Level Printing Instructions
West Virginia Higher Education Degree Inventory
Degree Programs Offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education
Organized by Level/Discipline | Last Updated January 23, 2023
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