Dashboard Title: West Virginia Higher Education Degree Inventory
Subtitle: Organized by Level/Discipline
Overall Summary:
This dashboard provides an overview of the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education. It is organized by Level/Discipline and allows users to view data, choose a program, choose an institution, choose a STEM field, and choose a college sector.
Dashboard Insights:
This dashboard provides insight into the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education. It can be used to track the number and types of degree programs offered, as well as the number of students enrolled in each program. It can also be used to compare the number of degree programs offered by different institutions and to analyze trends in enrollment.
Who Can Benefit:
This dashboard can be used by higher education policy makers, administrators, and faculty to gain insight into the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education. It can also be used by students to compare the degree programs offered by different institutions and to make informed decisions about which institution to attend.
-Provides an overview of the degree programs offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education
-Allows users to view data, choose a program, choose an institution, choose a STEM field, and choose a college sector
-Tracks the number and types of degree programs offered
-Compares the number of degree programs offered by different institutions
-Analyzes trends in enrollment
-Provides insight into higher education policy
-Helps students make informed decisions about which institution to attend
Degree Invt by Degree Level Printing Instructions
West Virginia Higher Education Degree Inventory
Degree Programs Offered in West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education
Organized by Level/Discipline | Last Updated January 23, 2023
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