
Web Page Superstore Total US Sales Overview Dashboard


Dashboard Title: Superstore Total US Sales Overview
Subtitle: January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019

Overall Summary:
This dashboard provides an overview of total US sales and profits for the period of January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019. It includes an analysis of sales and profits by state, as well as an analysis of sales and profits by customer.

Dashboard Insights:
Get an overview of total US sales and profits for the period of January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019.
Analyze sales and profits by state.
Analyze sales and profits by customer.
Zoom in to see detailed sales and profit analysis by customer.

Who Can Benefit:
Business owners, executives, and analysts can benefit from this dashboard by getting an overview of total US sales and profits for the period of January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019. They can also use the dashboard to analyze sales and profits by state and by customer.

Who Can Use the Dashboard:
Business owners

How They Can Benefit:
Get an overview of total US sales and profits for the period of January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019.
Analyze sales and profits by state.
Analyze sales and profits by customer.
Zoom in to see detailed sales and profit analysis by customer.


SUPERSTORE TOTAL US SALES OVERVIEW | January 02, 2018 – December 30, 2019
20.4% vs PY
Sales Overview by State
select to filter dashboard and see state specific performance
14.2% vs PY
Sales and Profit Analysis by Customer
Low Profit,
High Profit, High Profit,
High Sales
Low Sales
High Sales
26.8% vs PY
Low Profit,
Low Sales
Show All