Dashboard Title: Degrees Offered A Comprehensive Look at Education
Overall Summary: This dashboard provides a comprehensive look at the degrees offered in the United States. It provides insights into the types of degrees offered, the number of degrees offered, and the percentage of degrees offered in each category.
Dashboard Insights:
Gain an understanding of the types of degrees offered in the United States.
Discover the number of degrees offered in each category.
See the percentage of degrees offered in each category.
Who Benefits:
This dashboard is beneficial to educators, students, and policy makers. Educators can use this dashboard to gain an understanding of the types of degrees offered and the number of degrees offered in each category. Students can use this dashboard to find out what types of degrees are available and the percentage of degrees offered in each category. Policy makers can use this dashboard to gain an understanding of the types of degrees offered and the number of degrees offered in each category to make informed decisions about educational policies.
Who Can Use the Dashboard:
Policy makers
Gain an understanding of the types of degrees offered in the United States.
Discover the number of degrees offered in each category.
See the percentage of degrees offered in each category.
Make informed decisions about educational policies.
Degrees Offered