Dashboard Title: Consumer Sales vs Profit
Overall Summary: This dashboard provides insights into the sales and profit of a business by segmenting customers by consumer and year of order date.
Insights Gained: This dashboard provides insights into the performance of a business over time by segmenting customers by consumer and year of order date. It allows users to see how their sales and profits have changed over time, and can be used to make decisions about how to improve their business.
Who Can Benefit: This dashboard is beneficial for businesses that want to gain insights into their sales and profits over time. It can be used to make decisions about how to improve their business, and can help businesses understand their customer base better.
Who Can Use: This dashboard can be used by business owners, managers, and other stakeholders to gain insights into their sales and profits over time. It can also be used by marketers to better understand their customer base and make decisions about how to target their customers more effectively.
Benefits: This dashboard can help businesses make decisions about how to improve their business, gain insights into their customer base, and better understand their sales and profits over time. It can also help marketers target their customers more effectively and make decisions about how to optimize their marketing campaigns.
Customers Sales vs Profit
Year of Order Date