
Venture Investments in Shipping and Logistics Startups Dashboard


1. The dashboard Logistics provides an overview of venture investments in shipping and logistics startups from 2010 to 2014 YTD. It shows the different rounds, seed/angel, SERIES A, SERIES B, SERIES C+, Venture and the $Raised by year and by quarter.

2. Bullet points about the dashboard:
• Overview of venture investments in shipping and logistics startups from 2010 to 2014 YTD
• Different rounds of investments shown: seed/angel, SERIES A, SERIES B, SERIES C+, Venture
• $Raised by year and by quarter

3. The dashboard Logistics can benefit entrepreneurs, investors, and logistics professionals. Entrepreneurs can use the dashboard to identify potential investors and understand the different rounds of investments available. Investors can use the dashboard to identify potential startups to invest in and understand the amount of money raised by year and quarter. Logistics professionals can use the dashboard to gain insight into the current trends in venture investments in shipping and logistics startups.

4. Bullet points about who can use the dashboard and how it would benefit them:
• Entrepreneurs: Identify potential investors and understand different rounds of investments
• Investors: Identify potential startups to invest in and understand amount of money raised by year/quarter
• Logistics Professionals: Gain insight into current trends in venture investments in shipping/logistics startups


The dashboard is called Logistics, the tableau de bord comporte Venture Investments in Shipping & Logistics Startups 2010 – 2014 YTD, it montre les différents Roud, seed/angel , SERIES A, SERIES B, SERIES C+, Venture et les $Raised by années et par trimester