Vanderbilt Graduates First Destination and Continuing Education Dashboard



Dashboard Title: First Destination Breakdown and Continuing Education Map
Subtitle: Gain insights into where Vanderbilt graduates go after graduation

Overview: Our dashboard provides an in-depth look into the first destination and continuing education of Vanderbilt graduates. Our dashboard offers a breakdown of the undergraduate school or college and a map of first destination and continuing education locations. With this dashboard, you can gain valuable insights into the career paths of Vanderbilt graduates.

Dashboard Insights:
-Gain a better understanding of where Vanderbilt graduates go after graduation
-Analyze the breakdown of the undergraduate school or college
-View a map of first destination and continuing education locations

Who Can Benefit:
This dashboard is beneficial for anyone looking to gain insights into the career paths of Vanderbilt graduates. It is especially useful for employers, recruiters, and universities looking to understand where graduates are going after graduation.

-Gain valuable insights into the career paths of Vanderbilt graduates
-Understand the breakdown of the undergraduate school or college
-View a map of first destination and continuing education locations


First Destination Breakdown First Destination Map Continuing Education Breakdo… Continuing Education Map
✔Blair School of Music
✔College of Arts and Science
Peabody College of Education and Human Development
✔School of Engineering
Undergraduate School or College