Title: U.S. Auto Inventory Over Time
Subtitle: See how the global chip shortage is affecting supply
This dashboard uses publicly available data to illustrate how automotive inventory availability is changing. Following shelter-in-place guidelines in March 2020 and a corresponding drop in sales at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, inventory for most brands briefly peaked in April 2020. Since then, resurgent demand and supply chain disruptions have caused a dramatic and sustained decline in both new and used inventory levels. This dataset contains 90% of U.S.-based new franchise auto dealerships. Independent/used-only stores are not included.
This dashboard provides insights into the following areas:
Automotive inventory availability over time
Changes in inventory levels due to the global chip shortage
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inventory levels
This dashboard is beneficial for automotive dealers, manufacturers, and suppliers. It provides a comprehensive view of the current state of the automotive industry, allowing them to make informed decisions about their inventory levels and supply chain strategies.
Who Can Use This Dashboard:
This dashboard is ideal for automotive dealers, manufacturers, and suppliers who want to gain insight into the current state of the automotive industry. It can help them make informed decisions about their inventory levels and supply chain strategies.
U.S. Auto Inventory Over Time
See how the global chip shortage is affecting supply
This dashboard uses publicly available data to illustrate how automotive inventory availability is changing. Following
shelter-in-place guidelines in March 2020 and a corresponding drop in sales at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
inventory for most brands briefly peaked in April 2020. Since then, resurgent demand and supply chain disruptions have
caused a dramatic and sustained decline in both new and used inventory levels.
This dataset contains 90% of U.S.-based new franchise auto dealerships. Independent/used-only stores are not included.
This dashboard was last refreshed on July 11, 2022.
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