
Student Performance Dashboard Insights



Title: Student Performance Dashboard

Subtitle: Analyzing Student Performance by Age, Internet Access, Parental Education Level, Job Group, and Relationship Status

Overall Summary: This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of student performance across various demographics. It allows users to analyze student performance by age, internet access, parental education level, job group, and relationship status.

Dashboard Insights:
Analyze student performance by age and gain insights into how age affects student performance.
Analyze student performance by internet access and gain insights into how internet access affects student performance.
Analyze student performance by parental education level and gain insights into how parental education level affects student performance.
Analyze student performance by job group and gain insights into how job group affects student performance.
Analyze student performance by relationship status and gain insights into how relationship status affects student performance.

Who Can Benefit: This dashboard can be used by educators, administrators, parents, and students to gain insights into student performance. It can be used to identify areas of improvement, track progress, and make informed decisions.

Educators can use the dashboard to identify areas of improvement and track progress.
Administrators can use the dashboard to make informed decisions about student performance.
Parents can use the dashboard to gain insights into their child’s performance.
Students can use the dashboard to gain insights into their own performance.


< Not Ortalaması… YaÅŸlara göre not ortalaması dağılımı Age:18 Grade: 10.950 4 Age:15 Age:16 Grade:11.747 Grade:11.637 3 Ä°nternet EriÅŸimine Göre Not Or… Ebeveynlerin EÄŸitim Seviyesine… Ä°liÅŸki Durumuna Göre Not Ortal… Student Performance Cinsiyete göre not ortalaması dağılımı Age:17 Grade:11.563 Age:19 Grade:8.964 Average Ebeveynlerin eÄŸitim seviyesine göre not ortalaması dağılımı 5 Age:20 Grade:12.667 Age:21 Grade:9.667 Age:22 Ä°nternet eriÅŸimine göre not ortalaması dağılımı Avg. G3 12 10 9 2 0 Fjob at home no health other services Internet Ebeveynlerin iÅŸ grubuna göre not ortalaması dağılımı yes Mjob at home 11.960 11.250 13.667 11.600 10.427 12.395 11.077 health other services 9.000 10.579 9.769 10.625 11.990 10.039 12.480 10.784 11.353 Avg. G3 12 10 8 2 0 Female Ä°liÅŸki durumuna göre not ortalaması dağılımı 12 10 Sex 8 Romantic Male