Street Easy Voucher Affordable Inventory Dashboard


Dashboard: Analyzing Changes in Voucher Affordable Inventory on Street Easy

This dashboard provides an in-depth look at the changes in voucher affordable inventory on Street Easy from 2019 to 2020. It includes data on the growth in inventory, average price per square foot, and the number of listings by neighborhood. With this dashboard, users can gain valuable insights into the current state of voucher affordable inventory on Street Easy and make informed decisions about their housing needs.

Key Insights:
Analyze the growth in voucher affordable inventory on Street Easy from 2019 to 2020.
Understand the average price per square foot for voucher affordable inventory.
Identify the number of listings by neighborhood.

Who Can Benefit:
This dashboard is ideal for individuals looking to purchase voucher affordable housing on Street Easy. It can provide valuable insights into the current state of voucher affordable inventory on the platform, allowing users to make informed decisions about their housing needs.

Gain an in-depth understanding of the current state of voucher affordable inventory on Street Easy.
Make informed decisions about housing needs.
Identify trends in the voucher affordable housing market.


Change in Voucher Affordable Inventory on Street Easy, 2019 to 2020
Growth in Inventory